Welcome to the new overhaul of the duncans mod website!

to navigate, click the few buttons on the top of the screen, and enjoy! :)


No Spamming and advertising (because some people were actually dumb enough to spam our chat and advertise knowing we had a security system and they got autobanned, so just dont)

No Racism

No weird chats

No harassment

Note: if you see a black screen with red text saying "Terminated." on the website, that basically means you have been banned from breaking any of these rules

have fun

Downloads as of 3/6/2025: 3,744

Updates List:

The Tools Menu Update

made the game more open and added more features like a tools menu, to use it you simply press Shift + F1, then have fun with it, this was done because since duncans mod was a mod of leaknet, it had a debug menu so i experiemented with it and created a tools menu for people to play around with, to make the game more fun and easier to play


The DNMOD:CI Classes